luni, 8 aprilie 2013


- Available : De obicei, în weekend si în vacante. În timpul scolii nu prea am timp si chef de nimic.
- Age : Aproape 18 ani. :D
- Annoyance : Prostii, ipocritii...
- Allergic : La blonde.
- Animal : Lion :X.
- Actor : Sarah Jessica Parker, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jennifer Garner, Katherine Heigl, Jennifer Love Hewitt others.


- Beer : Beck's.
- Birthday / birthplace : My secret:">.
- Body part on opposite sex : Ochii, buzele si mâinile.
- Best feeling in the world : "Îndragosteala" (binecunoscutii fluturasi)
- Blind or deaf : Blind.
- Best weather : Vremea din zilele caldute de mai.
- Been in love : Da.
- Been on stage ? : Da.
- Believe in yourself : Da.
- Believe in life on other planets ? : De ce nu ?
- Believe in miracles ? : Nu.
- Believe in magic ? : Nu.
- Believe in God ? : Da.
- Believe in Satan ? : Da.
- Believe in Santa ? : Câteodata. :))
- Believe in Spirits / Ghosts ? : Nu, desi uneori îmi face bine sa cred ca a mai ramas ceva.
- Believe in Evolution ? : Relativ.


- Car : Personala ? Nu înca.
- Candy : Ferrero Rocher.
- Color : Mov, albastru, verde, turcoise, rosu, negru...
- Cried in school ? : Da
- Chocolate / Vanilla : Mostly vanilla... but sometimes chocolate.
- Chinese / Mexican : Mexicaaaan !!!
- Cake or pie : Pie.
- Countries to visit : S.U.A., Norvegia, Egipt,Cipru, Rusia, India.


- Day or night : Noapte.
- Dream vehicle : Audi A8.
- Danced : Evident.
- Danced in the rain ? : Da.
- Danced in the middle of the street ? : Da.


- Eggs : Da.
- Eyes : Caprui negri si verzi.
- Everyone has : Defecte.
- Ever failed a class ? : Nu.


- First crush : La gradi. :))
- First thoughts waking up : "Nu o sa ma trezesc când vrei tu. Deci... mai dorm!"
- Food : Muulte Salatee.
- Fruits : Nectarine, pepene verde, Bananee.


- Greatest fear : Singuratatea/Moartea [neseparabile].
- Giver or taker : Both.
- Goals : Sa fiu o persoana realizata din toate punctele de vedere.
- Gum : Orbit.
- Get along with your parents ? : Da.
- Good luck charms : imaginatia, mintea.


- Hair colour : saten,.
- Height : 1.60 si un picccc :-<
- Happy : Vara.
- Holidays : Peste granite sau la mare/munte.
- How do you want to die : Fara durere.
- Health freak : Nu.
- Hate : Nu... nu cred.

(In guys/girls)
- Eye colour : Nu conteaza. Sa fie expresivi.
- Hair colour : Nu conteaza.
- Height : 1.80, cam asa.
- Clothing style : Sa îl caracterizeze.
- Characteristics : Întelegator, iubitor, amuzant.
- Ice cream : Vanilie si caramel.
- Instrument : Chitara.


- Jewelry : Cercei !
- Job : E suficienta scoala.


- Kids : None.
- Kickboxing or karate : Karate.
- Keep a journal : Nu. Am blog.


- Longest car ride : Pâna la mare, cred.
- Love : Forever
- Letter : Telefonie mobila, internet... Nu am ramas la modalitatile clasice.
- Laughed so hard you cried : Da, de multe ori.
- Love at first sight : :D....


- Milk flavour : Cu ciocolata.
- Movie : A beautiful mind.
- Marriage : Mai tarziu.
- McD's or BK : McD's.


- Number of siblings : 0
- Number of piercings 0.
- Number : 1,9, 7.
- Nickname : Andruta:">.


- Overused phrase : "Maxim!", "Fraaaaatee", "Stiu, si eu mai mint"
- One wish : Doar una ? Zeci.[Mic Dejun la pat from my boyfriend :">:D]
- One phobia : Broasteeeeee !!!


- Place you'd like to live : New York, Londra, Paris.
- Pepsi / Coke : Pepsi.


- Quail : Nu am.
- Questionnaires : Teste din reviste ?! :))


- Reason to cry : Multe.
- Reality T.V. : Can Can Tv
- Radio station : Digitally imported, Radio Zu, Kiss FM


- Song : Acum ? Kelly Clarkson-My life would suck without you. În general sunt prea multe ca sa le scriu aici.
- Shoe size : 39.
- Sushi : Yack, Bleahh.
- Skipped school : Da.
- Slept outside : Daca m-au inchis ai mei afara ? Nu. :)) Dar de dormit sub cerul liber, am dormit.
- Seen a dead body ? : Da.
- Smoked ? : Vreodata ? Da. Constant ? Nu.
- Shower daily ? : Da.
- Sing well ? : Nu vrei sa ma auzi.
- In the shower ? : Everytime:)).
- Swear ? : can try so... :D
- Strawberries / Blueberries : Both.
- Scientist need to invent : Un remediu pentru suferinta.


- Time for bed : Când mi-e somn.
- Touch your tongue to your nose ? : Nu pot. :))


- Unpredictable : Daaaa.
- Under the influence ? : Narcotics ? Neaaah :)) Eventually under the influence of my friends.
- Understanding : Întotdeauna.


- Vegetable you hate : , fasole verde.
- Vegetable you love : Rosii, ciuperci.
- Vacation spot : Oriunde departe.


- Weakness : Ma atasez prea repede, gandesc prea mult, .
- When you grow up : O sa am propria mea sala for everything.
- Which one of your friends acts more like you : Larysw:|.
- Who make you laugh the most : Secret. :))
- Worst feeling : Durerea, dorul, singuratatea, moartea.
- Wanted to be a model ? : Dar sunt unul. :))
- Where do we go when we die ? : . Nowhere.
- Walk with a book on your head ? : Da:)).


- X-Rays : Nu.


- Year it is now : /:) 2013.
- Yellow : Dragut, vesel, prea vesel.


- Zoo animal : Tigru,Leu, pantera.
- Zodiac sign : Gemeni.